Bertrand Gauvrit

Bertrand Gauvrit

Director of Association des Climats du vignoble de Bourgogne

A graduate of the UNESCO Chair in Sustainable Development, Bertrand Gauvrit's initial training was in general ecology, and he worked for six years at the Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, with assignments at the French Ministry of the Environment. After setting up a number of regional projects in the Cantal region, he spent 15 years managing the Syndicat Mixte du Puy Mary, responsible for managing the Volcan du Cantal, which was awarded the Grand Site de France label in 2012. A very active member of the National Network created in 2000, he has contributed to the definition of ambitious strategies for the rehabilitation and management of the most prestigious and most visited listed national heritage sites. Since January 2016, he has headed the Climats du vignoble de Bourgogne association, the coordinating and management body for the site inscribed on UNESCO's World Heritage List in July 2015. Strongly involved in local consultation processes, the aim is to preserve the authenticity of this “cultural landscape”, convey its exceptional universal value to all publics and promote this territory and its World Heritage listing.